Founder’s Story

Vikram Bawa
In business, I’m a senior global marketing leader. I have a long record of developing and executing sustainable business strategies in both mature and emerging markets. I’ve lived across North America, Asia and Europe, working with top-tier consumer goods, electronics and advertising companies. And I’ve led diverse, talented and multifunctional teams across several categories, including health & beauty, food and consumer electronics, delivering high performance results.
I’ve enjoyed every leg of my career and have worked with some really smart, interesting people. But I’ve learned the most from the women in my life – those I’ve had the pleasure of working with, the girls and women from my upbringing, and my family and friends today. And there are good and bad parts to this story.
You see, I grew up in India, a highly patriarchal society that diminished girls and women in every way possible. I watched girls being married off at a very young age, never being allowed to pursue education or allowed to work. Dowry demands, domestic abuse, extreme poverty, and even murder and female infanticide were the norm. And most of these practices are still prevalent today.
My brother, sister and I were very lucky to have parents who were educated, forward-thinking and accomplished. But my mother is the feisty one. She is a no-nonsense woman, a retired social worker and University professor in Sociology, who travelled the world to help women and children. She completed her Masters at age 45 and her PhD at 52 with a thesis on Women and Children Development in Rural India. She did things that made a difference. My experiences may have been shaped by Indian society, but my thoughts and sensibilities were powered by my mother’s influence.
My luck carried over into my marriage to Teresa, which is a true partnership as equals and parents of two amazing young girls.
I am a fortunate man who has the business and personal experiences to drive positive change. I am resolved to become a better partner and support for women in business. And I want to contribute to a gender equal and sustainable world, leaving a positive legacy for the next generation.